Chicago News

Mitch McConnell Affirms He’s Against Term Limits While Wearing Dark Sunglasses, Being Propped Up By Aides

McConnell kept his arms affixed to his two aides and spoke in a trademark southern drawl, but never seemed to actually open his mouth. 

Navy Pier Margaritaville Cut Adrift, Set Aflame in Viking Burial for Jimmy Buffett

Margaritavilles around the country were instructed to set them aflame in order to have his property follow him into Valhalla.

CTA Announces They've Smashed Their Goal of Running One Train and Bus a Day

After years of long wait times and skipped schedules, they’ve announced it’s once again hitting goals for service.

DJ Casper Memorialized With Dirge Tempo ‘Cha Cha Slide’

CHICAGO — This week saw the passing of Chicago born songwriter and performer William Perry Jr., better known as DJ Casper.

Study Suggests Traffic on the 606 Could Be 100% Dog by 2030

"There’s always been a lot of dog walkers, but we were disturbed to see a nearly 400% annual rise in dogs on the trail."

Stupid Dumb Idiot Pulls Bus Cord After Someone Already Did

Other passengers corroborated Bolland's story, saying they too had seen a stupid dumb idiot reaching for the cord, even though “Stop Requested” was visible on the bus’s display.

Fifth Third Bank Finally Reduces Name to 1.666666667 Bank

“We could’ve kept the sixes going honestly,” said Herman Ridgeman, 54, regional manager at the downtown Clark Street location. “But we didn’t want to show off. Also, we couldn't figure out the keyboard shortcut to type the 6 with that line at the top.”

Card Table Next to Dumpster Is Restaurant’s New Patio

“There is a lot of trash in there. You just won’t see us put it in there while you’re eating.”

Woman Having Good Day Until Realizing There’s a Cubs Game

At first, I didn’t think anything of the High Noon cans littering the sidewalk. Then I saw one man in a Cubs hat and just figured he was a casual fan. But then, like a hoard of locusts reigning plague upon the Egyptians.

Shane van Gisbergen Clinches NASCAR Win by Taking Shortcut Through Art Institute Impressionist Wing

The shortcut — which briefly took van Gisbergen off the track and up the stairs of the museum — allowed van Gisbergen to pass through the Deering Family Galleries wing and out a window back to the track. While maneuvers like this are not encouraged by NASCAR, they are allowed if the driver makes it look cool.