Chicago News

Millennium Park Ribbon Still Open To People Who Think Everything Is Normal

“As soon as I step onto the ice, I can take my mask off and breathe a sigh of relief. Just not too deep, as I seem to be getting a little bit of a cough.”

Chicago Public Schools Expand From Underpaying Teachers to Killing Teachers

“My fellow moms will understand me when I say that I’m okay with up to five people dying in order for Jason to dissect a frog in a physical classroom this year. Preferably before March.” 

Man Setting Aside 6 Hours To Do Simple Task Today Just In Case He Spends 5 And ½ Of Them Staring Into The Middle Distance

LAKEVIEW — As the pandemic lurches into the end of its 10th month, Chicagoans are finding lots of ways to beat the cabin fever that’s proved even more formidable than the intense, below-0 winters t

Chicago Launches Fleet of Celery Salt Trucks

Last year the department tried a similar strategy with neon-green relish, but had to pull the trucks after numerous citizens complained, believing it to be some kind of toxic spill.

Trump Tower Sign Replaced With Name of More Popular President

“I’m going to miss flicking off the Trump sign,” said Linda Matherson, 46, “it wasn’t a lot, but it was my form of protest. I certainly can’t see myself flicking off Mr. Taft. He looks like the mascot for a gourmet cookie company.”

Report: Man Caught Living in O'Hare for 3 Months Simply Waiting on Baggage to Come Through Carousel

“It should be coming any second now, I just know it.” said Singh, seconds before his arrest. Officers at the scene then charged Singh for felony failure to give up and chalk it up as a loss.

Chicago Health Officials Warn Weather Conditions May Make It Easier To Slide On Icy Sidewalk Into An Open Mouth Kiss With A Handsome Stranger

EDGEWATER—In a public safety warning, Chicago City Health Officials are warning that the snowy and cold weather conditions of the past few weeks only make it easier to slide on an icy sidewalk into

Partiers in Old Town Discover Soft Dancefloor Made of Previous Partiers

“Honestly, though, I’m just bummed I don’t have the energy to move from this spot now that it’s been blown up,” Redezka concluded with a faint, dry cough. “The parties down in Wicker sound like a LIT place to perish.”

Bachelors Gearing Up For Slops And Goops Season

If it pours out of a spoon, ends up on your face when you eat it and can be sopped up with a big, cloudy slice of white bread then by Jove, you’ve got a goop my friend.”

After Ending Cash Bail, Illinois Officials Reassure Constituents They Still Have Lots of Other Ways to Criminalize Poverty

Together with other Illinois Officials, Matthews reaffirmed his devotion to the work of creating bureaucratic red tape that makes living under the poverty line near-impossible.