The rush hour commute can be stressful, hectic, and cramped aboard the CTA’s public transportations options. A recent initiative by the CTA to look for ways to brighten commuters’ days inspired a scene of comradery this morning as two drivers on the "L"’s Brown Line exchanged a hip “high-five” as their trains pulled simultaneously pulled into Merchandise Mart stop, snapping their arms off at the shoulder.
The two drivers, who have chosen to remain anonymous till they are released from intensive care, delighted passengers with this display of Monday morning comradery and the fountain of blood and viscera that resulted.
“It was so tight,” Jeremy Waterson, a barista, noted. “There was just like a real crisp fiver, then a wet snapping sound, and then like, all these screams. Usually I hate my commute, but seeing that really made my day.”
“They should do that more often on the CTA,” said Susan Golling, an account manager, “sure it was a wait while they pulled them out of the train, and there was so so so so so so much blood, but I’ve had a smile on my face all day! And blood.”
CTA has praised the two “cool” drivers, saying in a statement: “We pride ourselves on our relationship with our customers. We encourage all CTA employees to give all they have for the enjoyment of the passengers. The tracks call for blood. They crave a sacrifice.”