First of all sorry about this! We know you probably have a lot going on what with work, relationships, and just the every day slog that is modern life. However, a “situation” has emerged and we’re going to go ahead and activate you. Please read the following.
Silage. Difficulty. System.
Great! You were always our bright, shining candidate. By now your neural circuitry should compel you to continue reading. We love using the word compel. It sounds so much better than forced, doesn’t it?
Singer. Supermarket. Conclusion.
Perfect! We love that you haven’t passed out yet. (If you have passed out and are reading this 8-12 hours after waking up at your computer with keyboard keys imprinted in your forehead, please start again from the top. It’s now the only way to stop the headaches. We’re so proud of you!)
Reaction. Sample. Judiciary. Panko Crumbs.
Haha that last one was just a goof. Remember we like to have a little fun over here at command. Oh that’s right you wouldn’t remember. Well rest assumed you had a grand old time watching…stuff. Anyways, congratulations! You’ve been fully activated.
Now, fulfill Order 19.
Obviously we can’t tell you in writing what the order means, but the cool thing is you’ll know when you see the target! Science FTW!
Well that about does it. Remember, we’re counting on you. The world is counting on you. Now go be the change you (we) long to see in the world!