
The Latest

Chicagoans Brace for Record-Breaking Radiator Heat Wave

“We’re looking at a real chance for a ‘shorts and tee Christmas’".

Area Landlords Announce Plan to Just Paint Over It

“Before now we’ve only painted over things like water damage, electrical outlets, and holes in the wall,” said Lagassi. “But by 2023 our goal is to get all Chicagoland landlords to expand this to things like broken microwaves, insect infestations, and possibly even small fires.”

Chicagoan Packs Up, Begins Entirely New Life One ‘L’ Stop Away

“I just need a fresh start, away from everyone and everything, in a place where no one will recognize me and I’ll never bump into anyone from my old life.“ said Sarah. “So about a 15 minute walk away.”

Bachelors Gearing Up For Slops And Goops Season

If it pours out of a spoon, ends up on your face when you eat it and can be sopped up with a big, cloudy slice of white bread then by Jove, you’ve got a goop my friend.”

Man Prepares for Winter Shutdown By Squirreling Away Bottles of Liquor Around Apartment

LAKEVIEW — With more stay-at-home orders looming and Winter approaching, David Fowler, 26, has started squirreling away bottles of liquor around his two bedroom apartment in Lakeview in preparation

Guy Living in House’s Crawl Space Really Starting to Sweat

“Usually I’d sneak up and grab a bowl of chips and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc from the fridge around two, when both of them were at work, but that’s all changed.”

Chicago Man Can Only Sleep With Radiator Clanging Like It’s About to Explode, Window Open, Fan On

Every night Jeremy drifts off to a deep, Chicago Style sleep with the pipes of his radiator making a sound like an Autobot and Decepticon fistfighting in his wall.