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Experts Predict a Vibe Based Economy by 2025

The good vibes of this historical moment create an environment where the process of a company going out of business can be very lucrative for its own investors, there are few safer investments than those in the ongoing decay of the domestic economy.

Next Madigan Replacement Resigns Preemptively

At press time, Madigan’s office has already called for hourly emergency press conferences tomorrow, during which the candidates for Cuellar’s position will be sworn in and simultaneously asked to step down.

“You Gotta Be F--King Kidding Me,” Says Mayor Lightfoot, Reading Saw IV Plot Summary on Wikipedia During Zoom Meeting

“I regret swearing on mic, but in this instance I’m glad I looked up the plot,” the mayor continued. “Now I’ll be prepared for the muted man to kill the blind man in order to obtain the key from the blind man’s collar, and it will scare me less now that I know it’s coming.”

Nike Drops New “Chicago Snow Sludge” Air Jordans

Sneakerheads everywhere couldn’t be less enthused by the new Jordans, which are intentionally designed to make the wearer’s feet feel cold and wet upon slipping them on.

Bike Lane Converted To Dual-Purpose Slush And Dog Piss Lane

“I love it, man,” said little dog owner Matt Andrews, 45. “My number one problem with my small dog in the winter is she doesn’t have enough places to pee. Like we’ll walk miles and miles and she won’t have anything to sniff or inspire her to lift her weird little shaved leg. But she loves this new lane.”

Confused Nurse Only Giving Vaccines To High School Seniors

“I remember in our pre-shift meeting we were told to prioritize seniors,” recalled Saffron. “I thought it was strange, but I’m not one to argue with authority. So I took my phials out of the freezer and scoured the hospital for 18-year-olds.”

Earliest Flop Era Ever? This Woman Is A Baby

“Unfortunately in today’s hypercompetitive girlboss world, if you’re not on top? You’re a flop,” explains Columbia College’s professor of Flopology Truman Andrew Truman, 43. “And from what I’ve been told, Ms. Walters-Pervas polls in the bottom 5th percentile for recognizability even among women in her age cohort, the highly competitive 0–3 bracket.”

With Snow Levels Blocking Trash Pickup, Chicago Deploys Vermin-led Trash Sleds

Across the city, many Chicagoans woke up not to the beeping and mechanical crunches of their usual trash trucks, but instead the cacophonous sound of hundreds of animals pulling sleds piled with garbage like that one part in How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966).

Fuck, Saint Patricks Day Parade Is Cancelled! Can You Help Save the Day by Solving These Four Math Problems?

For his friend’s exorcism, King Virus buys 4 cans of anchovies, each containing 10 anchovies. The King supplies each of his friends with 3 anchovies, and then he eats 6 anchovies himself. He now has 4 anchovies left. How many friends did King Virus give anchovies to?

Bad to Worse: This COVID-19 Patient Just Got Diagnosed With a Case of the Februaries

Palma, sent home from the hospital with a playlist called “Sad Songs To Contemplate Your Dying Plants To” and a small bag of cough drops, has been struggling to adjust to life with his new symptoms.